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Challenges + Innovation + CH3 Summary


  • To officials at the City of Vancouver – elected and staff – to lead a gathering of design professionals to assess what has been achieved in SEFC so far, and determine what can be improved in subsequent phases to further enhance Vancouver’s urban model and push the parameters of sustainable community development.
  • For municipal authorities and elected officials to encourage and support sustainable community development by ensuring comprehensive environmental, social and economic criteria are set and met in the design and approval of Official Community Plan frameworks.
  • To planners and developers, to include local stormwater management in all
    new development. Local treatment reduces volume at sewage treatment facilities (saving energy), reduces the size of city-wide infrastructure, improves habitat and livability through planned wetlands, bioswales and green roofs – and keeps water in the local water cycle.
  • To environmental authorities, to consider the full footprint of traditional
    brownfield remediation, including carbon costs of excavation, trucking and water treatment. Where risk
    assessment deems feasible, capping and controlling brownfield soil in situ can be proven to be a better option.


Increasing Shoreline Habitat

Dense human populations tend to drive out native plant and animal species. Development that creates new habitat, such as the new island off the shore of SEFC, provides an invitation to species to return – while enhancing the beauty and livability of the human experience as well.

Large Urban Trees

Large trees improve the livability of dense urban environments, but maintaining healthy trees in such locations has been a challenge. Implementing soil cell technology throughout a development should enhance tree health, resistance to pests and longevity – as well as the beauty of the neighbourhood overall.

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